Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Egg On My Face was quite the day! I got egg on my face in a huge way.
I know, I know, you are thinking...okay, what did you do now, Susie?
Well, I totally embarrassed myself, that's what.
It all started with a trip to the city with a very good friend. After randomly finding out that we share the same neurologist and that she had an appointment today, I proposed going with her and making a day of it. I know from experience, going to a specialist is nerve-wracking and stressful.
So, we went for lunch, skipped through the mall and talked and laughed the whole time.
Here's where it gets a little sticky.
On our way home, we went through a drive-through to grab a quick coffee and snack due to a dropping blood sugar and energy level on my part. (That's what happens when you have the Betes and shop hard core for hours. It's like the best exercise in the world! ;)
Anyway, I dropped my friend off at her house, went to the post office, ran a couple of errands, said hi to a few people I knew and then went home.
No prob, right?
Sure, unless we get back to that whole "egg on my face" part.
In that beloved drive-through I had ordered and then proceeded to eat an egg-salad snack wrap.
I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in one of the mirrors in my house an hour later as I walked by. Now, I am not one to purposely look at myself every chance I get, but something caught my eye this time. (This may be a good opportunity to remind you that due to diabetic retinopathy, my eyes are not so great. So when I say something like "caught my eye", it takes a lot in a glance.)
There it was.
Egg on my face.
A big smear of it.
Of course I did.
Cuz that's my life wrapped up in an egg...nope! nut shell. {groan, I know}
As for the saying...I totally get it now.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sexual Abuse/Assault: A Community Crime

On a serious note and nothing to do with diabetes, fashion or fun stuff please check out my other blog at this link.

Sexual Abuse/Assault: A Community Crime

Monday, April 9, 2012

In Tune with Jon...Bon Jovi!

So, two things you need to know about me for this post to make sense:
Number one and most importantly...I love to sing Bon Jovi songs when I go Kareoke-ing.
Number two, it was my birthday on Saturday.

For some strange reason, the approachment (not a word but never mind that) of this birthday caused much mental and emotional anguish for me. (Okay, on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being my best friend dying and 1 being I have a zit, I suppose I was sitting at about the number I would feel if I dropped my blackberry into a used toilet. You decide what that means.)
I think the nearing of numero 40 is freaking my beak. (That's actually funny once you know my maiden name was Bird.)
Anyway, hear me clearly when I say this: I am NOT 40 YET! But with each Easter season it gets exponentially closer. (I am no mathematician so don't hold me to the validity of that statement.)
K. Now for the Bon Jovi portion of this little garbled page...
My husband took me on a getaway fit for a queen this weekend, (or perhaps my title of "princess" factored in ;) and while we were sitting in a restaurant eating our nutritious first meal of the day on my actual birthday, "It's My Life" started playing in the space above our heads. If you are not familiar with the song it goes like this: "It's my life, and it's now or never. I ain't gonna last forever. I just wanna live while I'm alive..."
I am sure that Jon telepathically requested it just for me! (Don says he requested it but I don't believe him for a second.) What else could possibly explain it?!?
You see, on almost any other day, you could call that my wanna-be theme song. I totally want to approach life that way. I am very in tune with the fact that I won't live forever due to past premature family loss coupled with my own health issues. I really do wanna "Live while I'm alive". It's just that my birthday was throwing me off a little. I was focusing on time running out instead of the beauty of the time I have now.
I am going Karoeke-ing with close friends tomorrow.
So...Guess what the opening song will be?
You guessed it... "Bed of Roses".
Just kidding.
Oh, don't worry. That one's on my list too.
But in honour of getting older we will begin the evening with Jon's words of wisdom sent just for me.
There will be no arguing about it either.
It's my birthday and It's My Life! ;)