Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MRI-ing It With My Fun Side

So, yesterday, I found myself once again in an MRI machine.
Good times, good times.
I'll start out by saying...they had cloth gowns!!
There they were, spread out on the bed with a bottle of Champagne, a box of chocolates and a dozen roses all for my honour.
Oh wait.
That was my honeymoon.
This was an MRI.
But still, cloth gowns!!! What luxury! So I took two.
Of course, as I slipped off my socks, it became evident that I had neglected to shave my legs. I guess it's officially winter now. ;)

So the procedure begins...

When they were clicking the head/neck brace on me right before I entered the chamber, I thought to myself, okay Susie, here's where you panic. You're being clicked into place in a small cylinder you cannot get out of without help. What if they have a heart attack? What if their wife calls to say their first born was just hatched? What if there's a fire and they decide to save themselves? Sure, they give you a little panic button. But who the heck could hear a little beep or buzz amidst all the other racket!?!

But actually...
No biggee.
I've done this before and didn't die.

Okay, that wasn't me talking. That was the special little prescription I spoke of in an earlier post.

Anyway, as I lie there thinking of the stubble poking out underneath my two gowns, (What? One frontwards, one backwards. Genius I say.) it began:
A rusty, unbalanced washing machine. Car alarm on steroids. Machine guns with an unlimited amount of ammo. Fire Hall alarm. African drum beating off time. Dentist tooth polisher. My alarm clock on Cocaine. Airplane engine. Oh, and there it is...the grand finale...the jackhammer to your brain.

Those little foamy earplugs are really helpful. Just sayin'.

I honestly picked out all of those sounds while laying there during my turn to get magnetized.

On the way home I was saying to Don, "It felt like the pressure from the noise was going to push those little jigger earplugs right into my heady inner sanctum and explode my brains."

I didn't realize sound has so much force. (That's your science lesson for the day. Thought I'd share.)

Anyway, obviously my brain is still intact and if I'm honest, my ears are a little cleaner now too.
Thanks Mr. MRI dude. I guess I ran out of Qtips.

Well, now all I can do is wait. And enjoy the holidays with family and friends.

My ears are taken care of, but...
I think I better go shave my legs. ;)

Check out my more serious side on this subject and more in my other blog called, Acutely Mystified at

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Illicit(?) New Little Pill

So, not to whine or anything, but I have been having some major pain issues lately and my body twists most painkillers into the devil when I partake.
So we are trying a rare one.
I can't tell you what it is because I am not sure it is totally legal. This has to be our little secret, okay?
Okay, so for serious it's legit.
Although the doc did need a "special" prescription pad for this one.
And the Pharmacy had to "order it in".
A couple of the possible side effects are feeling "high" and "euphoria". I was hoping for those ones!So far, no go.
Both dealer...{ahem}...I mean doctor  and the pharmacist said I am starting off at an extremely low dose. I was told I could up that dose though, if it isn't helping.
Sure, sure, get me hooked and then get me to "need" more. That's not suspicious at all.
I did ask about the addictive qualities and was told that won't be a problem.
Unfortunately, the pain is a bit of a mystery. Is it the Diabetes? Is it tumors? Is it Fibromylagia on Roids? So many options.
I'm not gonna lie...if it is the Diabetes (which apparently would make things really complicated), I may just freak out a little.
Why did no one tell me that this disease can affect every part of the body possible?!?
Heart disease, yes - Leading killer of persons with Diabetes. Kidney failure? Leading cause. Blindness? Check.
The top three are as famous as Jennifer Anniston and Anjolina Jolie. (Whoops! Probably shouldn't put those two in the same sentence!)
But Gastroparesis? Neuropathy? Bladder issues?! Who ever talks about bladder issues from Diabetes!?
I am so sick (no pun intended ;) of the phrase, "It's probably caused by the Diabetes." oozing out of every. single. doctor's. mouth. in times of trouble.
Sorry. I totally didn't see that rant coming. I think my blood pressure just rose to 250/160 from my passionate frustration with this disease.
Wait. I know.
I have that new "prescription". I'm pretty sure it will lower my blood pressure.

Gotta go. ;)