Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Majestic and Magnetic

I had a fun day with friends in the city today. Did some shopping in my favorite store, found a cute tank for $6, drank two iced coffees after having to fast for four hours because of my MRI. Oh? Did I not mention having an MRI today? Yeah. That wasn't so much fun.
First of all, I have a slight case of claustrophobia (which apparently kicks into high gear while in an MRI machine, causing slight hyperventilation and extreme internal panic). Secondly, I needed an I.V. for the probable poison they pumped through my veins to get a better picture, and thirdly, after putting my head in a padded vice grip, the machine proceeded to rattle my brains with vibration and LOUDness. I couldn't help but think while lying there, "This can't be good for the tumor that is most likely growing in there. It probably just exploded and is oozing into the rest of my brain, speeding up the process of my poor little bean's demise."
It was kinda cool though, that I met a woman I went to high school with while sitting in the I.V. chair. She worked at the hospital as an MRI tech. Catching up with her was great, until I realized what I looked like. I had been wearing a backcombed ponytail earlier in the day, but it had to come out due to the metal on the elastic band.  I looked like a mail lion, only not so majestic. I was also wearing my shirts, minus the support underneath, if you know what I mean, also due to the metal issue. To top off my outfit, I had on a pair of too small hospital issue linen pants, accentuating the problem area of my gut, since there was no fly, and I wouldn't have been able to do it up if there was. At least I was able to tie the string at the top, which kept them from falling down, but created a gaping hole in said problem area. It wasn't pretty. And this was the moment I had to encounter someone from high school who looked fabulous. Good grief.
So, once again, my day consisted of fashion and a hospital. Good times, good times.
But I seriously did enjoy the company and hope to do it all again soon...minus the MRI.
Oh what the heck...I might as well take any excuse to make a fashion statement, right? ;)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lowest and Highest

Sitting in my camouflage capris and pink knitted shawl feeling a little under (over?) dressed, I was in one of those restaurants who mandate the hostesses to wear the highest and lowest clothes possible. And I don't mean highest tops and lowest skirts. Did you know that some restaurant chains have an "acceptable" shopping list that they must pick from to wear to work? Crazy, I know. And I am not sure "acceptable" is the word I would choose to describe the view.
But regardless...the food (and company) was excellent! I love going to that particular eatery since I know they have food that I can eat.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat a low-carb diet, (and I mean exceptionally low) and be a vegetarian? There are some fabulous low-carb recipes out there, and there are some fabulous meatless recipes out there, but try and put the two together and an ocean becomes a creek. I have a hard enough time figuring out what to make myself at home to get the proper nutrients needed to live healthily, never mind eating out!
But I love eating out. (Insert whiny voice here.)
Not only is it a treat to not have to cook, but I love to watch people walk by and make mental notations about what they are wearing. You get the full gamut in a restaurant that also has a bar. Elderly couples, families, and people trying to impress and attract the opposite (or same?) sex. You see everything from elasticized polyester to knee high stilettos. I find it fascinating.
So I fully plan on continuing to eat out, even if I have to go hungry for a few hours in the process. It's much too much fun to give up.
But for now, I think I will go eat some brussel sprouts.
That's's come to that. Even the creek is drying up fast. ;)