Monday, July 4, 2011

Lowest and Highest

Sitting in my camouflage capris and pink knitted shawl feeling a little under (over?) dressed, I was in one of those restaurants who mandate the hostesses to wear the highest and lowest clothes possible. And I don't mean highest tops and lowest skirts. Did you know that some restaurant chains have an "acceptable" shopping list that they must pick from to wear to work? Crazy, I know. And I am not sure "acceptable" is the word I would choose to describe the view.
But regardless...the food (and company) was excellent! I love going to that particular eatery since I know they have food that I can eat.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat a low-carb diet, (and I mean exceptionally low) and be a vegetarian? There are some fabulous low-carb recipes out there, and there are some fabulous meatless recipes out there, but try and put the two together and an ocean becomes a creek. I have a hard enough time figuring out what to make myself at home to get the proper nutrients needed to live healthily, never mind eating out!
But I love eating out. (Insert whiny voice here.)
Not only is it a treat to not have to cook, but I love to watch people walk by and make mental notations about what they are wearing. You get the full gamut in a restaurant that also has a bar. Elderly couples, families, and people trying to impress and attract the opposite (or same?) sex. You see everything from elasticized polyester to knee high stilettos. I find it fascinating.
So I fully plan on continuing to eat out, even if I have to go hungry for a few hours in the process. It's much too much fun to give up.
But for now, I think I will go eat some brussel sprouts.
That's's come to that. Even the creek is drying up fast. ;)

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