Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sequins and Fries Pictures

You asked for them, so here goes...
Pics of my 37" jeans, sky-high heels and tiger sequin shirt.
If confused, please see past post called "Sequins and Fries"
Any feedback? Am I crazy or totally rockin' them? You be the judge.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Paper Gowns, Lady Parts and Pop!

So. Speaking of fashion statements (we were, weren't we?), I had another one of my "paper gown" experiences yesterday.
I promise I won't go into detail about the actual appointment since it was, as one of my friends says, for my lady parts. But the gown, oh the gown, that is worth speaking about.
Why oh why does our medical system cheap out on the one thing that is to preserve the patient's dignity?!
I mean, I suppose I don't want them to cheap out on the tools they use nor the antiseptic nor the pain-numbing agents nor the symptom curing procedures and meds nor the cleaning staff. No, definitely not the cleaning staff. (Think that one through, will ya? ;)
But seriously.
Half an hour naked in a piece of paper!?!
So there I sat, checking my blackberry and sipping my diet ginger ale (my newest addiction) while doing everything in my power not to let my buttocks touch the chair provided. I mean, it's not like those gowns are ballroom length. Surely they could extend those non-compliant, tear-like-tinfoil against-metal-teeth-garments just a few more inches. The designer of this fashion was either 4-feet tall or has never sat in the "lady parts" exam room for more than a second.
The good news that I have lost some weight, I can actually meet the two sides in the middle. Forget the plastic string they give you to tie it up though. That snaps before I even get the so-called garment unfolded. Preserving the gown without tears is about as easy as doing a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. (Which, by the way, I saw a man do on Ellen just the other day in under a minute, but that just goes against my analogy so forget I said that.)
So, here's hoping I can avoid that appointment for a long time.
I will say this though...
That ginger ale sure tasted good. ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sequins and Fries

Wow! It's been forever since I penned my thoughts in this little blog. For those of you who may actually enjoy it, sorry about that!
So, last weekend I went on my annual girls shopping trip. What a BLAST! No one got sick, between the four of us 14 pairs of footwear were purchased (no I will NOT tell who bought the most), and meaningful conversation was had. All in all a success.
Before I go any further, I'll just put in a little plug for my new favourite store, Vanity. Did you know that they have the option of 37" inseams in their jeans?!?!? That is like finding gold when you are a tall woman. They are even too long for me! So I bought two pairs. They will go fabulously with my new black patent stilettos. Now I just have to convince my husband we can still afford a date night after all my purchasing.
I did buy a rather unconventional item and am pretty excited to wear it with my new skyscraper jeans. The Man was a little skeptical when I pulled it out of the bag during my post-shopping private fashion show. I will admit, it is a little risky but I think I love it.
Think animal and sparkle.
Now, before you doubt me, pick up the latest fashion mag and you will see both those trends EVERYWHERE.
Yes, it is a silver sequined top with a black tiger face on the front. Oh! and the back has horizontal slits.
Seriously, it is a quirky yet pretty little top. And I figure a black blazer will tone it down nicely.
Hey, I figure, if I am gonna go with my animal instinct, better to wear a tiger that eat like one. Not gonna lie, I almost got attacked by a heaping pile of Costco fries today. But I said, "Susie NO!" and kept walking. My blood sugar is erratic enough...I don't need a dump truck full of carbs poured in my veins like poison. I don't know if my pump holds enough insulin to counteract the portions that place hands out.
Anyhow, getting back to my sequins, stilt-worthy jeans and sky-high shoes, I have no regrets. I may look as bright and tall as a lighthouse but I am okay with that.

Thanks Vanity. Thank you very much. :)