Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Diabetes, You're a Pain in the...Guts!

So I saw a new doctor yesterday. I’ve lived in the UK for 21 months and have been to 11 doctors in that time. Some people collect coins. Apparently I collect doctors. But I digress.

This new guy, Dr. Farmer, is the cream of the crop.

45 minutes of compassion, explanation, understanding and respect gave both Mr. Man and I hope. The fact that this new doc feels only 2 or 3% improvement in my symptoms would be a success considering my history, was still enough to encourage me given this last year. And his scientific breakdown of what is happening inside me not only validated my reality, but empowered me with a comprehension that I never had before.

He explained my pain this way: "Normally, a hot shower feels good on the muscles. It is relaxing and soothing. But if you have a sunburn, just the pressure of the water, even if not hot is painful and too much for the skin to handle. That is what the diabetes has done to your nervous system. Everything is hypersensitive to pain."

Yes! That made perfect sense to me.

And as if he knew I was a musician, he gave another analogy: "It’s like the gain has been turned up way too high in the mix."

Did you know that science has proven if you have pain in one area of your body, other areas with pain will be intensified? Wow. That was new information to me. Mentally scrolling through my problem areas, I realized it’s no wonder I hurt so much.

He also explained that the pain in my guts is due to easily inflamed intestines with poor healing abilities. He went on to say this applies to all areas of my body thanks to the Betes. My frozen and inflamed shoulders are a prime example of this.

Dr. Farmer is working on cutting edge therapies, medications and technologies.

“Hang in there Susanne. New treatments are on the horizon for gastro paresis.”

Thank you Dr. Farmer. I’ll take your 3% improvement and your gift of enlightenment.

You gave me more than any pill could ever do.

You gave me Hope.

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