Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fur as a Cure?

Boots! Boots! Boots!!! That was the focus of my shopping spree at the Mall of America. And I was successful! Three pairs successful. I am also very excited about my leopard print dress and my black faux-fur vest. So much fun!!
It was also pretty awesome when I was purchasing a new plate set and one of those fabulous pairs of boots in a department store and a very generous, random stranger approached me and gifted me with a 20% off ENTIRE PURCHASE coupon that she wasn't using! Of course, being the good friend that I am, I immediately called my friends over so they too could benefit from the coupon. We saved over $70 between the three of us just with that coupon alone! Sweet deal!
And apparently, a woman with diabetes on the prowl for amazing fashion finds need not have their insulin pump running while hunting. With the frantic pace we kept in order to make the most of our time, I didn't need insulin for hours! (And we still didn't make it to all the stores we wanted.)  So is shopping for fur a cure?!
Which leads me to an obvious conclusion - Must. Shop. More.
But is it practical to rely on shopping as my blood sugar control? Perhaps not. First of all, my wallet only carries so much credit, and second, there are too many needs in the world to blow all my money on shopping for myself.
So with that thought, I will lace up my unattractive yet practical running shoes, get my butt on the treadmill to help with the blood sugar control and start saving my coins.
And maybe if I start grocery shopping with the same vigor as I mall-shopped, I will get similar health results at least once every couple of weeks when stocking my cupboards.
And dang! will my feet ever look good in my new black wedge-heeled boots as I push that cart.
Would a fur vest be overdoing it a little for the occasion? ;)

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