Thursday, September 15, 2011

Manolos and Mizunos

Today, the new talk show "Anderson" had a very special guest. Someone who's style cannot be compared to another. She never goes wrong, whether it be on the red carpet or shopping for a new pair of Manolo Blahniks. You guessed it. It was Sarah Jessica Parker.
I actually have a friend that looks very similar to SJP. She's got the naturally ultra wavy hair and similar facial features. And just the other day I was at a wedding with said friend, and we conversed about those similarities. And of course, Manolo Blahniks came into the discussion.
So I went online to do some research.
Those are some pretty fabulous shoes!!! I mean, I've seen them on TV but looking at them up close and personal (as much as possible in cyberspace) they look fantastic!
There's just one problem. Well two. Okay maybe three. First, and most obvious, there's the price. I am about to embark on a bit of a shopping spree and could "technically" afford them, but they would BE the SPREE. Period. One pair of shoes.
Secondly, I am not sure where I would wear them. I will be attending a fashion show next month but would have to wear only the shoes because I wouldn't be able to afford a dress to match. That could be a bit awkward.
Thirdly, and least importantly because I would suck up the pain if given the chance, I don't think my orthodics would work in them. Just sayin'.
So I suppose I will have to leave the Manolo Blahniks for SJP and just be jealous for the rest of my life. Unless of course I win the lottery that I don't play. That would be nice.
Well, off to the treadmill I go. Gotta put on my sweats and lace up my Mizunos.
Don't worry Sarah Jessica...I promise not to wear those to the fashion show. ;)

1 comment:

What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)