Monday, September 5, 2011

So Who Makes the Rules Anyway?

"What Not To Wear" is coming to my house!!! Okay, not actually to film or anything. (Hopefully I wouldn't "qualify" for the show ;) But's coming soon! Through my television set! Yes...after having only four channels my whole life, we are getting SATELLITE TV!!! I know, I know. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking "Susie! They invented that YEARS ago! Get with the times!" Well, I finally am. We are breaking down and paying for TV. What an honor. ;)
But as I began anticipating the show coming to my living room, I started to wonder...who makes the rules of what not to wear? Obviously there are flattering outfits and there are unflattering outfits. But what about "rules" such as what date on the calendar it becomes unacceptable to wear white pants. Or how about what age is the cutoff for wearing mini-skirts. I mean, sure, there should be guidelines. But if Jennifer Aniston who is in her forties can look tastefully hot hot hot! in a miniskirt, then does the "not appropriate after 35" rule apply? (Let's be clear here...I am NOT saying I look anything at all like Jennifer Aniston. Unless of course you can see me in my dreams. THEN, that mini-skirt looks mighty fine. ;)
Of course, I do NOT want people to ever have the opportunity to say to their friend..."Did you see what Susie was wearing today? Ugh. So inappropriate for her age and body type." No, I am going more for the reaction of..."Did you see what Susie was wearing today? She looked fantastic!" (A girl can always dream, right?)
So, once again I am scrolling my wardrobe through my mind and wondering...would Stacy and Clinton approve?
Regardless of the answer, you can bet on this: I will be setting my PVR to record every single episode on my quest to figure out if I am on the right track.
In the meantime...please go easy on me. My four channels have done nothing for me in this department.
 At least give me one season. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of a thousand channels and nothing on!!!


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)