Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shop, Drop and Scream?

Two-and-a-half more sleeps!!! That is, until I get on a bus with 55 women (and perhaps one young man who goes with his mother every year) and head to Minneapolis on a shopping tour!!! I can barely contain my excitement!!! Can you tell with all of my exclamation marks!!! (Oops, that was a question wasn't it. Here. I'll throw in a question mark. ?)
I was discussing this trip with my sleep psychologist yesterday, since last year when I went on this trip I had one of my bloody murder screaming night terrors and terrified my friends in our hotel room. Dr. Sleep and I are working on this ongoing problem anyway, so I figured if she could cure me by the weekend that would be nice. (Though it would probably serve her paycheck well to drag out my therapy a little longer.) She did give me one idea that might help change the possible course of our night for the positive. I plan on taking her up on her idea.
But I am worried. Due to a forseeable (and hopefully amazing) loooooong day of busing, shopping and eating which will cause extreme exhaustion, mixed with a heavy dose of adrenaline which if was anything like last year will last until I exit the last store on the last day (that was a lot of "lasts"!), a deadly potion of nighttime antics will likely occur in my overly imaginative mind. I've been down this road before, and it wasn't pretty.
But I recently decided that I should be more optimistic and less pessimistic, so I should probably start now. And I don't really want to give this problem any more power than it already has.
So...I plan that during the next few days, whenever I think about the trip, I will picture all of us sleeping soundly, snuggled in our cheap, hard hotel beds, dreaming about boots and jeans and shirts and skirts. And during those dreams we will be moaning with pleasure as we dance in our new maxi-dresses and leather jackets. (It's a dream! No judging!) And as I picture the scene, I will be sleeping alone in my bed, since the other girls now refuse to sleep with me after last year. (Unless of course they really do make me sleep in the tub like they've been threatening since we signed up for this trip! Oh shoot. There's my pessimistic side speaking again ;)
Now if only Dr. Sleep could help me out with these next couple of nights. I can already feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Mr. Insomnia is peeking around every corner of my brain with his beedy little creepy eyes. I'm just sooooo excited!!!
Well, I should go finish making my shopping list for the 45th time. All I have left to say right now is this...Sweet Dreams!!!

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)