Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friend or Foe?

I have a fair weather friend. At first I thought he was straight up. That what you saw was what you got. There were no guessing games. Whether you liked it or not, what he said was the truth. Until he started becoming inconsistent. I suppose he always was, but I always made excuses for the little discrepancies, blaming them on something I'd done or not done.
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I declared to my husband that I was ditching the untrustworthy and was going on the hunt for a new, more stable companion.
It was time. I needed a new bathroom scale.
I hesitantly call him my friend, since I don't always like what he has to say to me, but definitely like him better than I used to. 60 pounds ago I stepped on him and determined his view of me was no longer allowed to grow, only shrink from that point forward.
But what has been so confusing to me is his inconsistencies. He is of the digital sort and my "number" could differ five or six pounds within two minutes! Surely my water retention levels could not be fluctuating that much without so much as a sip, and in such a short time.
It took me awhile to realize the degree of these errors since I never weighed myself more than once in a day, but finally my detective skills clued in and I just knew something had gone awry.
Although, my husband stood firm in the belief that Mr. Scale was as honorable and trustworthy as ever, and proved it with his consistent weight time after time.
Then it happened.
I actually let my husband watch me step onto my whacked out friend's back (which was a very rare occurrence, for obvious reasons known only to women ;) and he  immediately got to the bottom of the dilemma. I wasn't letting the scale clear before stepping on! Which meant there were often extra phantom pounds on the display before I even so much as breathed on it! Just the action of turning it on was thwarting all my efforts!
So perhaps Mr. Scale isn't so fair weather after all. I still don't unconditionally love him, but our relationship is improving with time. Especially as my diabetes is better controlled and I get to wear way cooler clothes now!
So...keep fit, have fun, and don't give up on your friends too quickly. You might just be able to count on them ;) after all.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)