Saturday, October 15, 2011

Punk or Funk?

Aging gracefully - that is a concept worth exploring on this fine Saturday afternoon.
You see, the other day, I ran into some folks that I haven't seen in ages while wearing my funky wedge boots, khaki skinny cargos, and a black sweater. I figured it was a hip-happenin' look and wore it confidently. That is, until my long lost friends commented on my personal aging process.
I believe the conversation went something like this:
 "Wow, you look younger and younger every time I see you!"
"Why, thank you!" says me.
"Yeah, I'm having a hard time telling you apart from those young punks hanging around."
"Oh, umm, well, I'm not sure how to take that," says me again with an awkward "Haha".
After a few more pleasantries we parted ways while my mind spun like a top on crack. I was with one of those "young punks" they spoke of (well, actually I would rather describe her as a fabulous nice friend who happens to be a teenager), and as soon as I found her wandering the store I rapidly posed the question, "Do I look like I am trying to look like a teenager?!?"
She reassured me that I was not, and that "hip" was a more accurate description.
But I can't help but still wonder...
Am I too young for my age?
I think part of the dilemma for me is that many people battling chronic illness such as myself, look older than they are. The disease can take a toll on the body and create a haggard look.
I'll be honest - call it vain or recognize it as a fight to not let the illness win, but I so don't want to look haggard or like I am always in a funk.
At the same time, I don't want to push the envelope too far.
And then I am reminded of the middle-aged man who recently pegged me ten years older than I actually am, and the crack-filled top starts spinning again.
Well? What can I say? Stylish aging is a tricky, tricky thing. And I don't own the manual.
I think for now I'll choose to believe my young girlfriend's perspective rather than the older-than-me man.
Besides, I'd prefer "punk" over "funk" any day. ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)