Monday, October 31, 2011

Retail "Therapy"

"I think I need a new pair of shoes, or purse, or sweater. Or perhaps therapy?"
That was my facebook status a few days ago after feeling run over by a truckload of stress.
"Or just retail therapy!!! May as well have a tiny glass of wine too :)"
That was the first comment given on the subject. And I think it is GENIUS!!
Retail Therapy. Yes. YES!
So, I decided to act upon this great idea and ended up with a husband approved, appropriately lengthed, sequined mini-skirt. And it felt good.
There's just one problem. I have no idea where I am going to wear it.
Okay, maybe two problems. Now I want to shop even more.
Don't kid expensive as traditional therapy can be, retail therapy can cost immeasurably more.
But there is something to the whole idea of losing yourself in the mall (in the emotional sense, not the physical. I know the layout of the mall all too well), and thinking only about the next treasure you might find.
Okay, so my problems are still there when I get in my car to drive home and this "therapy" has no lasting benefit, (unless my bank account is trying to lose weight ;) but it feels good in the moment. (Which is a concept worth exploring on another day.) And I have a fabulous skirt... that I might never wear. (Okay, so not my brightest moment, but the skirt shines and shimmers ;)
So maybe therapy is not the most accurate word for shopping. Maybe I should separate the phrase into "Retail" and "Therapy" and explore both avenues on different occasions.
 Because when not in your right mind, shopping can sometimes be more damaging than helpful.
But Dang! It sure is fun!

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)