Monday, January 30, 2012

Blogger's Block? ;)

This is seriously sad. I have nothing to blog about since my life is a pile of, well, boring. I sit trapped at home with no ride and nowhere to go and so I convince myself to go through the motions of a boring day alone. Now...I have blogger’s block.

I suppose I could write about how I scrubbed my toilet with a toilet brush and Cleaner With Bleach! It was kind of exciting using a new toilet brush, which has been laying beside the toilet for, oh, about a month now. (Yes, I’ve cleaned it since then, I just didn’t use the new brush. Believe in me a little would ya?!) (Okay, I might have only cleaned it once in that time but get over it.) But you don’t want to read about cleaning toilets.

I suppose I could write about the laundry I did earlier.  I don’t think Mr. Man is going to be impressed. Oh, he’d be impressed if I folded some laundry, but he doesn’t allow me to wash anything but towels. Just towels. Not new red towels and men’s white underwear. Just towels. And I’m not allowed to touch the bleach either. Apparently it leaches color or something like that. I’m not sure. I don’t know what “leaches” means. Unless of course we are at a swampy beach. Then I know for darn sure what a blood-sucking squirmy wormy red gob of slime is. My life may have been altered forever in the most traumatically traumatizing way involving one of these disgusting creatures as a child. I since have carried around a salt shaker in my bathing suit without fail. Don’t ask me where I keep it.

But you don’t want to read about laundry.

Um...I suppose I could write about the book I am reading. Actually, I am reading it on my Kobo E-reader which is very helpful for someone with partially impaired eyeballs. Especially helpful when the glitch in its hard-wired-drive-system-thingamajiggy (get jiggy with it! Oops. That was just a side-note in my small head.) bookmarks it at the same page (Page 63) and I have to electronically flip to where I last left off. Today, no word of a lie, I had to flip 652 pages to find my spot. You are probably! that is one heck of a big book! You must be super smart Susie!

No. The font is just really big because of those defective eyeballs I mentioned.

But you probably don’t want to get into a big cumbersome dialogue over my mammoth book.

I suppose I could write about preparing leftovers for supper. All the microwave reheating tends to make the meat a little dry and the rice a little clumpy but the vegetables should be fine. Besides, I don’t eat meat. So who cares if it’s dry right? That’s what you get for being a carnivorous carnivore. I am really curious as to what brand of wine our company will be bringing to go with it all.

But you definitely don’t want to read about cooking leftovers! That’s lame!

Well, I have to go take a shower now. Clean up for our company and all. Oh! and I think today is my weekly shave day. That’ll be exciting.

Wait...was that too much information? ;)

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