Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Headaches and Smelly Feet

I'll keep this short and sweet.
Life is exciting. Except when it is mundane.
Diabetes is mundane. Except when blood sugars sky-rocket and then crash leaving you in a pile of desperation. Oh, and a headache. Either way - too high or too low.
Headaches are a normal part of life. Except when you find out they are caused by a tumor crowding its way onto a gland behind your eyeballs.
Eyesight is just there. Except when you start to lose it and then you really miss it. Not gonna lie.
Lying is wrong. Except when it is done to protect the innocent or flatter someone who can't take the honest answer that yes, they look fat in those jeans. - That's me by the way. So lie to me please.
Saying please is courteous. Except when you frame it in words like "Please...pop my zit." or "Please...rub my smelly feet." No. Not so courteous then.
Being courteous is...
Probably quitting while I am ahead. Sometimes these ramblings fall out of my head but I will assume at this point you are all bored or disgusted by my acne reference.
So, have a great day.
Life is a string of great days. Except when they are bad days...

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)