Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hanging with my good friend Zoey the other day, we landed at our favourite bookstore. Wandering somewhat aimlessly, both with a passion for many genres, Zoey and I merged into the coffee lane after being teased and taunted by oh-so-many fabulous titles.
Luck have it, two leather chairs by the fire sat empty, waiting for our two weary carcasses to settle and chat.
It was lovely.
That is, until, we got up to leave.
I noticed a 60-ish year old woman slither herself down onto the leather of Zoey's chair practically right under my friend's butt, before her knees even had the chance to straighten as she stood up. I also heard the woman say something to Zoey, but couldn't make out the words themselves.
As we headed down the escalator, Zoey leaned in and said,
"Did you hear what that woman said to me?"
"No. Why? What did she say?"
"She asked if we were leaving and when I replied 'yes' she said, 'Good.'"
Cuz that is a lot of rude packed into a one-word sentence.
Fighting the urge to go SIT ON HER, I shook my head dumbfounded by this stranger's strange behaviour.
"Good. Go away. Get outta my way. It's about time. You're inferior. You've overstayed your welcome. In fact, you were never welcome. I want that chair."
THAT is what she communicated with one friendly word turned ugly.
NOBODY messes with my Zoey!! Back off lady, back off.
How are we to expect teens to respect their elders when the elders behave like spoiled children?!?
Not cool, not cool.
Zoey, on behalf of all women older yet less mature than you, I apologize.
And just so ya know...
Next time, I sit on her! ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)