Thursday, January 5, 2012

Who's Deluded...Me or Her!?!

I just saw a white fluffy American Eskimo puppy fly by my window. I slid it open and tried calling him in but he wouldn't come. Then he just disappeared.
I'm so sad about that.
He was cute.
But maybe I can convince the purple snapping turtle that went racing by in the snow to come in and play.
That would be nice.
I don't feel well.
I have snot. A headache. And that little temperature gauge thingy that goes under your tongue flashes numbers that Mr. Google says aren't quite right.
Is it bad that I sweat and shake with cold all at the same time?
I wasn't gonna write today feeling the way I feel (and since even my brain tells me those delusions can't quite be right. There is no way that turtle was purple), but then I remembered hearing about a crazy lady in town who inspired me or something.
A friend of mine was telling me of how her neighbour made the (Stupid? Crazy? Unthinkable?) decision at the end of 2010 to run, outside, a  minimum of six miles a day, everyday for a year.
I have already given you a couple of clues of how I feel about this resolution.
First of all, we live in Manitoba, Canada and our winters plunge down to -50 degrees Celsius with windchill, while our summers get up past 30 degrees Celsius.
Second, WHO RUNS A MINIMUM OF SIX MILES every freakin' day?!?!
The friend of mine telling the true story had asked her, "Didn't you ever feel too sick to run?" The crazy lady's answer was, "Well, not deathly sick."  (She obviously didn't get the fever I've got going on. No, I've got a legit reason for not running today.)
Oh, and did I mention that one of those days (well two actually, since it takes 24 hours) this looney-tunes woman ran a 100 mile race!!! And still got up and ran her six miles the next day!?!
The next time I run my 100 mile race, I am just gonna divide them by 10 and take 10 days off. Yeah. That's what I am gonna do.
Whatever happened to New years resolutions like, "I'm gonna lose five pounds in the next three years" or "I vow to buy an expensive gym membership that I have only slight intentions of using because I have the brainiac idea that I will lose 20 pounds just by carrying the gym pass in my wallet" or "I will not buy another pair of shoes for a year". (WHAT!!! WHO SAYS THAT?!?! There's probably more chance of me running a 100 mile marathon this month than that!) But you know, doable resolutions.
Oh wait. She did it. She ran her freakin' minimum six miles a day.
That just makes me angry.
I hate her. (I am sure she is really nice and all, but until I learn her name, I will continue to hate her. I think this kind of hate is justified, no? I know you do too. Don't lie to me.)
So, that is why I wrote today. Because if she can run her freakishly fanatical minimum six miles, rain or shine, snow or sleet, health or snapping turtles, I figured I could make the sacrifice and sit on my a** and enrich every one's life with my wit.
Well, I gotta run. (No, not literally. I am deathly sick remember?)
I've gotta go catch me a new pet.
Oooo...there goes a platypus...

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)