Friday, November 4, 2011

A Stylin' Doc

I saw my Doc today. Okay, I suppose I need to be a little more specific since the contact list in my phone has about eight people listed starting with the title "Dr".
My visit was with my Endocrinologist who manages my hormonal glands (as in Thyroid, Pituitary, etc., not the PMS-ing kind ;) as well as my diabetes.
It went well. It went really well. My A1C, which tells us what my average 3-month blood sugars were, was back down to my normal range. I much preferred my Dr. saying "I am really impressed with your improvements", to "You should be working harder", which is what I got at my last appointment.
My non-mood altering hormones are normal. Yay! (We won't talk about the mood-altering ones. That is a different story ;)
While I was sitting in the exam room, I noticed something interesting. At least I think it is interesting. It was my Doc's coat hanging on the back of the door. It looked very sharp, very stylin' and very expensive. I was soooo tempted to take it off the hook and look at the label, but was terrified he would walk in and catch me. It would've been wrong, right? Right? Cuz I'll probably have another opportunity in February when I go see him again. Unless of course he upgrades to a warmer wool. But that might be equally intriguing.
It makes me wonder what kind of car he drives. And if he is married. (Don't freak out. I'm not interested, I just think he works too much to have a wife, but what kind of coat would she be wearing if he did? That would be the one perk to being married to a specialist - the income. Think of all the shopping that could be had... ;)
Anyway, I didn't peek, which was a good thing because he came in to the room seconds after I considered it. I have a feeling he wouldn't have been so free with the compliments if he caught me invading his privacy.
Wait a minute! He's a doctor! He has the power to dethrone my total privacy with one stupid paper gown! (Don't get me started!)
That's it.
Next time I peek...

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