Monday, June 13, 2011

Good Fortune?

"Be prepared to modify your plan. It'll be good for you."
That was my fortune in the cookie I received after dining in an asian bistro last week. Interesting. It is true that things don't always work out as planned.
This can be applied to picking your outfit for the day or accepting new health challenges as they come along. As for picking an outfit, if I am going out, whether it be grocery shopping in the city or to a doctor's appointment, I always figure out what I am going to wear the night before. And I always have a backup plan. There are so many variables that could change that next morning. The weather could be rainy rather than sunny, your mood might be altered from a poor night's sleep, or you may just feel ugly in the first pick from the night before. Some days are just like that.
And then there are those pesky health issues I mentioned. Sometimes, they are just annoying, but still bad enough to make you change your mind about going out to see a movie, and sometimes they are life-altering, changing your plan for the rest of your life.
I don't always achieve this, but I am learning it is easier to cope with change when you haven't nailed down and planned every detail of your life, only to be disappointed when it doesn't come true. Don't get me is good to dream. Even great to dream. And to dream big. But I think it also wise to realize in this world, all of our dreams won't come true. We are blessed if we can experience some of them. And maybe the alternative will make us stronger, more compassionate or help us love more.
Change isn't always welcome. Sometimes it is brutally hard. But we need to be open to the idea that it will happen. So what are we going to do with it when it comes?
Wear it with confidence. Like the fortune might just be good for us.

1 comment:

  1. Be prepared to modify your plan. It'll be good for bed.

    Couldn't resist. Nice post.


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)