Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Domino Effect

Ever noticed how a strange new fad or fashion will appear and at first you think it is exactly that - strangely weird? But then more and more people start wearing it and it kind of grows on you? For me it was gladiator sandals a couple of years ago. Admittedly, I thought they were butt ugly at first and vowed never to cave to the growing population of nasty sandal wearers out there. But, then I think I got desensitized and found myself picking them up off the shelf...just to look and feel. Suddenly after months of good looking feet passing me by on the street in the crazy things, I purchased a pair. And wow did I get compliments when I wore them! So I put them on more often. ;)
I call this process of letting your perceptions get twisted in your mind due to popular demand, the domino effect. If the marketing is "set up" well, you can be the thousandth domino way down the line, but eventually you too will fall. One thing leads to another.
Speaking of one thing leading to another, (nice segue eh? ;) in the last few days I found out that the surgery I recently had caused an injury to my body from the position they had me in. I am healed from the actual surgery but am messed up from the wrenching action the surgical team inflicted on me. This sort of thing happened once before too. When I had my first brain surgery I had staples in my scalp for the cuts the clamps caused holding my head in place. (I can only imagine what took place while I was "out".)
I will admit, it is frustrating to deal with one problem and gain another. I never did like dominoes.
But onward I will go, for this life is worth making the most of, and I will not let this new hiccup get me down.
And the doctor ordered a new pair of quality shoes to help correct the problem, so can I really complain?
No...they were not gladiators ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)