Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Sweet Escape?

Have I ever ranted about paper gowns  here yet? Well, here I go...
They are USELESS!
I was sitting in the exam room waiting for my doctor (for an hour and a half by the way) in one of those bless-ed things yesterday. (Strong language, I know. ;) I tried to do it up with the plastic thingy that is supposed to tie around your waist, but that was an epic fail. As I pulled it tight it snapped in half.
So then I sat down on the couchy chair thing he has in his office, and I heard a rip as the gown split up the side. Good grief.
They don't cover you. They don't keep you warm. And the doc is about to see everything you are so delicately trying to hide with the product made of paper which was never meant to be made of paper. (Breathe Susie. Just Breathe.) The creator of the paper gown must have been the healthiest person alive, never needing to see the doctor.
So I sat there with my seductive slit up the side wondering if perhaps I should put on a new one in case the doctor thought I was trying to make a certain fashion statement. Ah, what the heck. Like I said...he will see everything anyway right?
As I sat there wishing for heat rather than air conditioning, I glanced over and saw a women's magazine laying on his desk. It had a picture of Katy Perry on the cover with the headline, "The Escape Issue".
It made me think.
Can we ever really escape ourselves? Sure, we can take a breather or a break from our circumstances, which is sometimes very healthy, but we always end up wherever we are going. As hard as it is to face our inner self, it truly is necessary to live a productive, healthy life.
It takes a lot of courage to look inside, wrestle with our inadequacies, hurts and fears.
But what is the alternative? I think that is even scarier.
A holiday somewhere exotic would be nice right now. A sweet escape.
But whether vulnerable in a blue paper gown or laying on a beach with my shades on, I will still be there. All of me...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Does anyone have some sunscreen?

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)