Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Just Got Old"

Still have that blazer-style denim jacket in your closet from 1991? I hate to tell you this, but it just got old. Okay...that probably actually happened a long time ago. Don't get me wrong...there are some pretty cute updated denim jackets out there. But if you bought yours in 1991, it's not one of them.  Mind you, if you went back about five years from then, you'd probably be almost on target for the trends today. Oh the crazy fashion cycle.
The other day I was feeling tired, sore, and just generally dragged out. Tired from the insomnia, sore from my  messed up hip and dragged out from high blood sugars. 
I had some sort of commitment in the city, so I was driving in my new car, whilst listening to the 80's and 90's on satellite radio. (Our free trial is about to run out...(insert disappointed emoticon here).
So while feeling sorry for myself (about how I physically felt, not the radio thing), a Madonna song came on. I've heard the song a hundred times and started to groove to the beat.                              
                       "And I feel, like I just got old
                         And I feel
                         And I feel, like I just got old
                         And I feel..."
I was like "Yes! Yes! I feel your pain Madonna! Yes!" and then I started singing the words at the top of my lungs. (Even bluetooth couldn't have disguised my vigor as a normal phone conversation to the drivers passing by on the three lane street.)
It might have been my mental and physical state influencing what I heard, because later that night, after deciding that was my new theme song for my body's dreary days, I looked up the actual lyrics. Oh. I just got home. Right.
Well, looking at the bright side, maybe I just came up with a new song title for my next song. Or perhaps probably not.
I'm not going to lie to ya. There are days when I feel like I just got old. And maybe on those days I will still sing my own version along with Madonna while she sings hers. (Beware neighborhood cats. It's not pretty!) I like making up words to songs without knowing I am making up the words. They seem so much more relevant to me that way.
But I think Madonna got it right this time (although I have no idea what the rest of the song says). Feeling like you just got home is a way better feeling than the one of getting "old" (whatever number that is. I just know it shouldn't be my age.)
So, I'll miss you Bon Jovi, Alanis and maybe even you Madonna. But it's the end of an era...
At least in my car. ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)