Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shoulda Gone Straight

This post has nothing to do with fashion. Or diabetes. Or health issues. It is totally random.
I was in the east end of the city having a fabulous lunch with my sister...right before I got lost. Yes, that's right. I got lost in my own city and I wasn't even going to, or coming from a doctor's appointment.
Like I said...I was in the east end of the city and needed to go to the west end to meet someone else. This sounds easy enough but there is a river (which obviously requires a bridge) that needed crossing and a major railway, (which also required a bridge) to overcome. I had gone over my route with my sister before leaving the restaurant (thanks again for lunch L.!) but my best laid plans got changed when I came to a fork in the road (okay, it was more like a perpendicular turn onto a different street) and panicked. What do I always do in a situation like this you ask? Well, I follow the car in front of me. This is not always the best course of action, but somehow I don't feel so alone as I tail them. (Crazy, I know.)
I ended up on Main Street (which I had always wanted) only was forced to go the wrong way. I turned in the direction of where the sun sets, hoping I would eventually find a good solid secondary route to my destination. The trains were a bit of a problem, but I finally found a bridge that would let me cross over.
It was one of those metal and concrete hanging bridges, and had only two narrow lanes. I hate bridges at the best of times, so as I crossed this rust-bucket of a roadway, I couldn't help but once again panic. A rusty bridge can't be good right?
Obviously I am safe and sound since I am alive to write you this story. The other good news is, I avoided downtown traffic in rush hour.
So there really is no moral to this story. Sometimes you've just got to go with the flow. (Maybe there is a moral in there somewhere after all ;)
I will think of it as an adventure, conquering new territory in my heeled gladiator sandals. (Had to get a little fashion in there somewhere ;)
Now...I am done with this day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm waffling between disbelief, feeling sorry for you and laughing my butt off!!!


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