Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are Those Puppy-Dog Eyes?

I think I want a puppy.
I also think I might be crazy for wanting a puppy. But maybe the puppy would be therapy for my craziness?
I am in love with American Eskimos. All that glorious white fur hanging delicately surrounding a smiling brown-eyed face. Sooooo cute!
I looked up info on the breed and found everything I was looking for: Intelligent, easy to train, friendly, etc. etc. Did I mention they are adorably cute!?!
Yes. There is a catch. Of course there is.
He's a shedder. A heavy shedder. My dreamy Mr. prince of a puppy will leave hair EVERYWHERE!
I already have one of those "heavy shedders". His name is Bob and he is the most awesome dog in the world. But as I've mentioned before, he leaves hair on my couch, my carpet, in my food and, by golly ON MY CLOTHES!!! Wearing fur should be intentional, not accidental.
Did I tell you about the time I went to a shoe store, asked to try on a pair of shoes, and as I pulled my foot out of my tall leather boots...BOB was there!?! I was mortified. I couldn't buy those fabulous new shoes because if I tried them on, the sales woman would have choked! Probably on a hairball!
So...what do I do about this puppy? Do I commit to vacuuming four times a day (as if!), or do I opt out of this whole impossible situation?.
Hmm...Maybe I should just buy a furry white purse. I saw one at Guess that was fabulous!
Maybe I'll leave it as a surprise.
Next time you see me, you'll have to look very closely...Are there eyeballs peaking out from my little ball of fur?

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