Thursday, December 15, 2011

Disabled Persons Sad?

I was sitting in a coffee shop this morning and overheard a fascinating conversation between waitresses. It went something like this:

               “Yeah, he jumped off the bed,” (I automatically assume it’s her son, so sad.)
               “He broke all kinds of bones. Needed surgery. Has lost all bladder control,” (Maybe her dad? Again, so sad. But I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate her publicly talking about his lack of bladder control.)
               “Who would’ve thought a little Dachshund would do such damage to himself by jumping off the bed.” (Oh, a dog. I get it.)
Once again my mind started turning.
Here I had been picturing a little boy crippled and on crutches, then an elderly man in a wheelchair for the remaining part of his days, and had jumped to all sorts of conclusions about how they must be feeling and coping. Hmm...What is wrong with this picture.

Doesn’t that happen way too often though? We make assumptions about people with apparent disabilities (whether they be physical or mental) and think we know what they must be experiencing. That they must be sad or angry at the world or frustrated. (Perhaps that is how we think we would feel under the same circumstances?) Like somehow their happiness depends on whether they can walk or not or whether they can talk, etc. etc.  How unfair! Of us to make that judgement I mean. Who gets to quantify quality of life but each person themselves?

I am not saying we shouldn’t give a helping hand when needed, out of courtesy, respect or love. But not out of projected pity. No, definitely not.

Guess what? I am a disabled person. (Not completely of course ;) And I might become even more disabled if I lose my sight or toes or have other complications of my diabetes get worse. I should know better as to not project my own fear or negativity surrounding disability on others.
So I am here today to say I am sorry - sorry for making assumptions about people who are different than me. (Isn’t that everyone?!) Sorry for assuming I even knew who the waitress was talking about and judging her for it.

I trust that we can be gracious with each other as we blunder our way through life. At least I hope we can. I need as much grace (maybe more?) as the next guy.

And just for the record...I feel badly for the dog too. ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)