Sunday, December 11, 2011

New York, Pink! and My Funny Man

48 hours and 48 minutes. That's precisely how long I was in our car with my husband over a ten day period as we crossed Western Canada together. (Our car has a timer built in.) You can learn a lot about a person in a time like this. Sometimes, you learn things you are really not sure you wanted to know.
Like when for instance, he mentioned - in front of witnesses-  that as a child his teacher used to staple notes for his mom to his shirt everyday so she would actually get them. Now, this causes me wonder. Not only due to the fact that she used staples, but it poses the question as to why she needed to. When I was young and my teacher sent home the occasional note, it went in my lunch box. Would he have eaten them if she had done the same? Could he not figure out himself, even as a six or seven year old how to remove them from sight before he got home? And what did she have to say to his mom every. day.? Perhaps a parent-teacher conference was in order? Just sayin'.
But we had a great time. Not one fight. Sure, he did want to change the subject fairly quickly when I started hammering him with questions about his funeral wishes and such. (Even I run out of things to talk about after that many hours ;) And no, I'm not trying to rush the process. Just want to be prepared.) Suspiciously the stand up comedy channel was dialled in at the first possible gap in the conversation.
We not only discussed death, but our hopes and dreams as well. My husband asked me to prioritize these three things: Meeting someone famous (my choice of who), going to a concert where a big name is singing one of my songs, or going to New York City. My answer was this:
Hearing Pink! sing one of my songs at a concert in New York City. Not bad eh? I told him I would settle for just Pink in New York if he could please make that happen. ;) In fact, any one of the possible combinations of two of those three would be just fine.
I have to say...even with him incessantly telling me to do my blood sugar (Go back to work please, honey! ;), I loved spending so much time with him. (It helped that he took me shopping ;) He is an amazing, amazing man. And a funny man. Take that however you will.  I would choose him over New York or Pink! any day. Hands down. (Sorry Pink!)
So stay tuned for more on the Amazing Schwartz Adventure! (I hear a movie title in there somewhere...) I don't think I am done with this topic just quite yet...

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)