Friday, December 23, 2011

Blame the Drugs - Part Two

K. So.
I just read my blog from the other night entitled "I'll Just Blame it on the Drugs, Okay?".
Oh. My. Word.
Oh. Dear.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I had no idea my nighttime drugs did that to me. (Prescription. I promise. Although that blog post makes me wonder why they are legal.)
Note to self: Never write anything, not so much as a grocery list, 20 minutes or later after popping the cocktail.
You wanna know something interesting though? Just write the word "drugs" in the title of your blog and you will get record hits.
Either people are enthralled with my possible demise in the throws of addiction or they themselves wanna get their hands on some little goodies. Eh? Eh? Don't you think?
Well, they are not for sale. Although with current market value of those little jiggers plus a sizable markup, I could be loaded.
Don't even think of it Susie.
No! I have morals! Standards! think I am crazy on the drugs? You should see me off them! (I'd have to be sleeping for you to witness the craziness since that is when the fun really starts, [right C?] which could be a little awkward. Our bed isn't that big. And I don't think Mr. Man would approve of visitors. ;)
I'll just keep those little baggies for myself. (What? I have a system.)
I do apologize for my lack of editing the other night. But thanks for coming along for the ride. I hope you felt as happy as I did. ;)
I'll leave you on that high note.
Merry Christmas everyone! And remember...
Don't drug and blog! ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)