Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nostalgically Crazy!

Ahh...piano Christmas music playing in the background, presents wrapped, 5 inch tall tree set up, dog purring, time to throw another log on the fire - it’s Christmas!

Wait! I don’t have a fireplace! My house is burning down! Oh, no, that is just the candle I lit for ambiance and warmth.

Yes, I said my dog is purring. I am dead serious. I’m not sure he knows it’s Christmas, but when I scratch behind his ear just right, he morphs into an 85 pound cat right before my eyes.

Way to get in the spirit Bob.

So to celebrate this awesome time of year, guess what I am doing today?


You see, as I sit in my ambient home I get nostalgic. I think I should be out in the hustle and bustle where all the people are scurrying about, getting their last preparations in for the season, frolicking with joy.

So, I take a lovely drive in the delicately falling snow and enter...THE CITY.


NO ONE in WALMART on the 21st of December is FROLICKING!

And now I am committed. Because I put that one necessary item on my list that demands I stay in line for 45 minutes as children scream with unjoy as mothers try to hide last minute toys from “Santa” under their coat in their shopping carts and offer to give them away. (The children I mean.)

No, perhaps Walmart wasn’t my best choice. I think I might just want to throw another log on THEIR fire and they don’t have a fireplace either.

My word of advice...when feeling nostalgic, stay home, reminisce about the moments when you actually liked your children (don’t worry, I blame Walmart for the dislike...not your kids ;) or if you don’t have kids, curl up on your couch with your 85 pound cat and make him purr.

May you all be a Bob this season.

Merry Christmas.

P.S. Just came home. Does the fact that I had time to watch a whole sitcom including commercials while waiting in line tell you anything? (Unfortunately, no sitcoms were to be found. Unless you count the murmurs of 200 people lined up swearing under their breath due to the fact that we had time to watch a comedy, comedy. ;) Oh well. I did it to myself...

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