Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Normal Chest Pain?!?

“These gloves don’t taste good.”
Why would I have said such a thing you ask? Well, that is a very good question. Don wondered aloud the very same thing.

I was chilled to the bone as we sped by vast nothingness in the middle of Saskatchewan, so I slid my leather gloves over my non-delicate fingers in an attempt to exorcise the cold. Then I proceeded to lick them in order to turn a page in my notebook (as a side note, I can’t read my own printing on a good day, never mind after rapidly scribbling down outrageous anecdotes in a moving vehicle in the dark) thus leading me to verbalize this ridiculous statement.
These were not the only odd words to exit my mouth on that trip. At one point I found myself saying, “It doesn’t feel like my normal chest pain.”

Normal chest pain? Something is wrong with this picture. The fact that I was experiencing chest pain in that moment alone was enough to cause concern. But when I qualify it with a statement like that? That can’t be good.
It didn’t help that the very next day I heard a research cardiologist speak on the dangers of heart disease and attack in people with diabetes. It was fascinating but was stressful enough to bring on more chest pain. And right before I had to speak too! I had visions of keeling over right there on stage in my tall black boots and sequined dress. Can you imagine?! One big 6’ pile of purple sparkle crumpled in a heap in the middle of the stage. The good news is there was a cardiologist in the house. ;)

Seriously though, heart disease is the leading killer of people with diabetes. As stressful as his words and visuals were, they were good reminders of how important it is to take care of our health. So much can be going on under the surface that we don’t have any idea is even happening. By the time symptoms show up it is often too late. (Dang. I guess I am hitting that treadmill again today...)

 I am happy to report that I have seen my General Practitioner this week and had the first normal ECG (EKG) I have ever had. Yay! My “normal” and “abnormal?” chest pain must be due to other issues. (Yay again? I could do without the other issues too, thank you very much. ;)
So the moral of the story is this: Don’t lick your leather gloves and aim for heart health.

I have no idea how those two things ended up in the same sentence! ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)