Monday, December 19, 2011

I Have A Problem

There are cookies in the house.

This is a problem.

It started out as a nice gesture for my husband. He loves Ginger cookies and in our 16 ½ years of marriage I have whipped up a batch a total of three times for him. Each time as a surprise. This time was no different. He went away on a business trip and when he came home I had a Tupperware container wrapped, bow and all, sitting on the table waiting for him with a card that said, “Just because.” Sweet eh?


Sweet all right.

I never should have tasted the soft ooey-gooey sweetness of the sugar and molasses melded together with love. No. Now I know how good they taste.

And therein lies the problem.

Why do I have the will-power of a monkey?!? Only instead of my temptation being bananas, no, it has to be blindness disguised as a cookie!

I know myself well enough to normally store nothing in my house that will cause me to stumble. Stumble right into the clutches of momentary pleasure sneakily wrapped in hidden life-long consequence.

I thought I was strong enough.


My husband is going to have to take those little devils to work with him. Tomorrow.

Until then, the monkey within me will just have to starve. I will take control. I must take control.

It is almost unfathomable that a cookie could contain so much power.


Unfortunately the boxing match between Mr. Will and Mr. Temptation is very, very real.

I pray it’s a knockout.

And I hate violence...

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  1. Stay strong Susie! You can do it! :-)

    It's so hard sometimes, isn't it? I have terrible trouble with junk in the house too.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Scott!


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)