Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Grief.

What to wear, what to wear...on a road trip across Western Canada in the winter. More important is the question...What to pack?
K. You are probably thinking, "Oh brother, Susie. Give it up." But with a speaking engagement, the symphony, shopping at West Edmonton mall, and the possibility of being stranded on the side of the road in a whiteout for a week, there is a lot to think about. I mean, should my hair be curly or straight when the police officer taps on the window to see if we are still alive? I suppose after a week of highway-shoulder living, not even dry shampoo will save me. ;)
But I'll be honest. It didn't instill a lot of confidence in me when my husband said, very seriously, "We should pack a cooler full of extra food just in case a storm hits."  Good grief.
But for serious (as one of my friends would say), I am really looking forward to meeting some new people and hopefully inspiring a few touched by diabetes, hanging out with old friends and spending quality time with my husband. (Is 50 hours trapped side by side in a car adequate? Well, it's guaranteed quantity but quality might be a little iffy by about hour 42 ;)  Got any hot topics or world issues we could discuss? I find a good debate makes the car go faster. (Is it a time illusion? Or does the "heat" in the car make Don's foot a little more expressive? ;)
 I suppose I should stop stalling and go wrestle my suitcase(s!) closed. Time is a-tickin'.
My ratio of 4 pairs of jeans and boots and hoodies and sweaters to every 1 of Don's makes sense right? ;)

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