Monday, April 25, 2011


As I age (I prefer this term to "get older" - somehow it seems softer or something) I often wonder not only if a  pretty little new shirt or flirty little flowery skirt will be flattering to my body shape, but also if I am too old to pull it off.
I used to hear comments about how women should cut their hair shorter once they reach a certain age (although I have no idea what that age was), because long hair makes them look older. Now I wonder...did it have more to do with the hairstyle itself or just the length. Was this "unspoken" spoken "rule" really a rule? Cuz I've seen some pretty fantastic looking older women with the used-to-be unapproved hair-length, and I think they look so good because they style it well and keep it healthy and clean.
But there is the question of fashion and this whole age thing. What is and is not appropriate as a woman creeps up the ladder of life? If the clientele at Forever 21 is any indication...anything goes. I'm just not so sure.
But this leads me to my next question. Shouldn't health issues also be age appropriate? When I was a child, I thought only old people got sick. And a small part of me still thinks that's the way it supposed to be. Good the age of nine when I was diagnosed I hadn't even heard of diabetes. Never mind words like "neuropathy" or "Fibromyalgia". Graves disease? Isn't a grave where someone gets buried? I had heard of blindness, but never fathomed that it could become a possibility in my future. Just to be clear, I am not blind but do have eye disease. That topic is for another day. Anyway...
It seems the world does not operate with the innocence of children in mind. Unfortunately that thought applies on multiple levels.
So I guess there will always be age-inappropriateness; both with fashion and illness.
Hopefully, I can pull them both off, cuz either one done poorly...doesn't turn out well.

1 comment:

  1. So far, I think you are doing pretty good - at least on the fashion side! :)


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)