Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Well, it's raining today. My husband is on the roof as we speak since it seems to have sprung a leak. Good grief.
It's been a bit of a rough couple of weeks for me. First, the bad test results at the doctor. Second, I have been feeling lousy and almost ended up in emergency. And now this. That's right. I don't have any cute little rubber boots to wear out and about in the rain. The best shoes I have for this weather are my patent leather black heels because at least they wash off the mud well. But they might look a little funny with the sweats that I am supposed to wear to my sleep disorder test tonight at the hospital. Hmmm...Don's work rubbers or my patent leather heels?. Maybe if I wear my nice yoga pants no one will notice them. (Either pair - picture whichever combo makes you smile the most ;)
But seriously, I do feel things piling up a little lately. Kind of like the puddle of water pooling on my kitchen floor. Drip, drip, drip. Yup. Just keeps getting bigger. But if anyone can fix it, my husband can. Have I mentioned what an amazing man he is? And I also want to take a moment to say what a fantastic support system I have in general. My family is always there for me (including my in-laws...who can say that?! ;), I have fantastic friends who know just how to brighten my day, and my medical team is exceptional. I just switched endocrinologists (The doc who monitors my diabetes and other hormone issues) and he too is thorough and excellent. I couldn't possibly put into words how highly I speak of my G.P. He is the most caring, considerate, take-the-time for you and get-the-job done doctor I have ever had. (Sorry, not taking new patients ;)
So, whether I am referring to my health issues, my support system, or the leak in my roof, I have just one more thing to say...
When it rains, it pours ;)

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