Friday, April 29, 2011

In Sickness and in Health - Making a Royal Vow

So William and Kate are married. I will be honest, I don't have PVR and had a rough night so didn't get up to see the festivities. I did see some pictures and Kate was a beautiful bride. I am very happy for them.
Whenever I see two people vow their lives to each other and genuinely mean it, I get a little teary. I am honored to have a man who takes those vows very seriously. Not just as a binding commitment he is tied to, but unless he is lying to me, he really wants to be with me.
Sometimes when I think of the "in sickness and in health" part of our vows, I wonder if he had any idea what he was getting into. There is no way he could've predicted all my health woes, but those clingy, pesky little buggers (the woes, I mean) still never seem to shake him.
While I was sitting at the doctor's office yesterday in the waiting room, there was a couple there that caught my eye. She was sitting in her walker and he was sitting behind her. My best guess is that they were in their mid-late 80's.
What was remarkable to me was how they were sitting. The man was leaning forward and had both arms wrapped around her and her walker, holding her tight. They would whisper the odd thing to each other but for the most part, they just sat there quietly, comfortable with each other's company. And I could see in the man's eyes how much he loved her.
Wow...I think that's how it was meant to be. Two people, so entwined, so in love, still wanting to touch each other as they grow old together.
In sickness and in health.
So William and Kate, I wish you much joy and happiness, such as I have felt.
And know this...
A Royal vow, in essence, is a loyal vow.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)