Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feeling Brave. And Younger?

My new favorite store just arrived in my nearest city! "Forever 21" opened its doors about a month ago and I just can't get enough! Well...of course the reality of the situation tastes a little bittersweet. Sweet, obviously because it is my new favorite store and gets new items in everyday, and bitter guessed it; my bank account blocks my path to the till.
It really is torture going in there after vowing not to shop until my next payday. (Did I mention I don't have a job and my measly disability cheque has recently been designated to cover our new car payments?) I shouldn't even tempt myself; I just can't seem to walk by the doors without the display mannequin's fashion-clad hands grabbing me and pulling me in.  I think I need a new coping mechanism.
You may or may not have noticed the other day that I was fighting the urge to shop due to bad news. Well, I am feeling a little more brave and decided to share.
It was Sunday afternoon at about 4pm when the phone rang. I stepped off my treadmill to answer it only to be shocked by who was on the other end. It was my endocrinologist and he phoned to talk, not about my diabetes which is his main role, but to tell me I had a couple of other issues in this messed up body of mine. First off, my thyroid needs medicating (which wasn't shocking, although now it was slow instead of fast, as it had been in the past). But secondly, and more disturbingly, he informed me that the tumor on my pituitary gland (which is classified as a brain tumor) was probably growing back. Yes, that's right. I had gone through surgery to have it removed about 16 years ago and now it is making a comeback like a bad 80's band. The possible options for treatment are medication or surgery. Trust me, I pray the answer is medication, because let me tell you this: I don't know if I can do it again. That surgery was one of the top three worst experiences of my life.
But all is not lost. I have not given up hope. And when I walk into that shopping mall, and see my favorite matter what is ailing me, I have decided that I will feel forever 21.

1 comment:

  1. As disturbing as some of this information is, you are too funny!! :) I love reading your blog. Puts a smile on my face everytime. Love ya!


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