Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Judgement Day

There are some bad outfits out there! Come on...we've all seen 'em. We've all worn 'em. There is simply no denying it.
Don and I were at the mall last night (exchanging, not spending ;) and we decided to get Starbucks after we were done. There is one just across from my new favorite store, so we just went to that one and sat and watched people. Man, I could do that all day long!
Anyway...we saw everything from white socks and sandals (on a woman none-the-less!), to a rope belt tied around a woman's waist (which happened to be the largest part of her body), to tights with short shirts on people who shouldn't be wearing tights with short shirts...if you know what I mean ;) It was a fun exercise but one that got me thinking...
Would you ever go up to a person and tell them "Hey, that is one bad outfit you are wearing." I should think not. And if you would, then let me suggest a class called "Learning Etiquette and Curbing Judgement; A Guide to Considerate Living."  Just saying...
But I have had those kind of really? Did they just say that? kind of experiences. No, not in reference to my style, but to my diabetes. I'll never forget the time a person at my local grocery store who was standing in line behind me and knew I had diabetes said, "Susie, do you really think you should be buying those cookies?" Seriously?! I wanted to retaliate so bad with "Oh, well I see you have your period." I mean, really? First of all, I have a husband (who eats cookies). Second, I get low blood sugars sometimes. Third, I think people have no idea how hard it is to never put anything sweet in our (people with diabetes) mouths. Try going on the cabbage soup diet for the rest of your life and tell me how that works out for you. Okay, so that sounds a little angry and defensive and it is. I am not proud of it. But having diabetes is hard. And I am trying really hard. My low-carb diet is super strict and I can deal with that...if I allow myself a little indulgence once in a while.
So next time you see someone with diabetes putting that ooey-gooey brownie in their mouth, please, think "bad outfit" if you must, but then remember "cabbage soup diet" and keep your thoughts, your thoughts.
And I think next time I see someone in a bad outfit...I might just look past it and tell them honestly what a beautiful smile they have.
Yes. I think that's the way it should be.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)