Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pumps and Stilettos dilemma's. We all have them. At least I hope I am not the only one.
Mine sometimes comes in the shape of a large cell phone or pager (do people even carry pagers anymore?) only I can't throw it into my stylish handbag which I carry at all times. That's because it is attached to me. Yes, I am talking about my insulin pump.
Wear does one put a small appliance when wearing a dress? (Or one-piece!)
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my insulin pump. Getting it was the best thing that ever happened to me when it comes to my diabetes. It's the closest thing to a working pancreas that I have and it is a loyal companion. I call him Ned.
Ned works around the clock to give me stable blood sugars and I usually forget he is even there. It sure beats carrying around syringes and vials of insulin, which I have been known to drop and shatter in bathroom stalls at my favorite restaurants.
And after a history of over 40,000 syringe pokes, given by my own hand, it sure is nice to only have one needle every four days or so to change the small catheter-like cannula that sits just under the skin.
No, I wouldn't give up Ned for anything.
But when it comes to formal, dress-wearing events, it is a problem that I don't have a pocket or belt to hang him on. And he doesn't exactly portray class. It's more like he screams "Technology!" which is NOT the look I am going for in a shiny silver gown with my silver stiletto heels.
So, a person must get creative in these situations. I have discovered a couple of discreet hiding places to put him.
And I think he is pretty happy there. 

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