Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Flower Power

Spring is finally here! And I love what the changing of seasons means - a switch in the colors and textures of my wardrobe. That's right...my hair flowers are in full bloom!
Sometimes what I wear is dictated by the mood I am in, and sometimes it is determined despite the mood I am in. And nothing speaks fun, flirty and flamboyant like a bright hair flower.
A few years ago I got some bad news just when scarves were coming in style. I was very thankful for this fashion trend since it couldn't have happened at a better time. You see, I found out rather by accident (at least in my mind) at a routine eye examination with my friendly neighborhood ophthalmologist that I had very serious eye disease and might one day be a blind woman. After many, many painful laser surgeries the disease progressed and on different occasions, I had major bleeds in each eye which caused me to lose my sight. To correct the CSI-like bloody massacres blocking my vision, I needed to have surgery, which basically consisted of the doc cutting my eyeball open and sticking a vacuum cleaner in the hole to suck up the blood. As gory as that sounds, I am thankful for the technology we have these days because he was able to save my sight in both eyes. It's not the same as it used to be but I'll take what I can get. And it could be a lot worse, so no complaints from me there.
There is always the threat that it could happen again or that my retinas will detach due to the added strain on them, but I've decided I will not let the fear of that happening consume me, and I choose to live as a seeing person as long as I can. I will tell you though that I've declared war on my diabetes (which is what caused this eye problem in the first place) and will fight to control and subdue it with whatever power I have. Back off Mr. D. I will NOT let you win! 
But back to the scarf trend. As I was going through one of the darkest (no pun intended! ;) times of my life, throwing the soft, warm fabric around my neck gave me comfort. I felt embraced, as if it was a symbol of all the love and support surrounding me. It also offered a feeling of protection from the nastiness of my situation, which I so desperately wanted.
So for those of you who feel that an interest in fashion is self-focused and unnecessary...I suppose it might just be. But for me, a cute skirt, or classy sweater or hair flower or scarf can lift my spirits and help get me through the day.
And I think that's okay.

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