Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A hint of things to come...

Diabetes and fashion you ask? Yes, those are two things that highly influence my life. My diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes came at the tender age of nine after almost losing my life. My love of fashion developed a little later on when I learned that buying a new pair of shoes would cheer me up after a rough doctor's appointment. Of course, this euphoria lasted only a short time numbing the truth very temporarily. Still, whether my Visa is ringing bells at the nearest mall, or I am sitting in the waiting room of yet another appointment looking at the array of denim and rayon, I will forever be fascinated by fashion.
Unfortunately, my story includes a plethora of diseases and disorders, as well as the most lovely medical tests you can imagine. Think MRI meets kidney biospy. I counted once, roughly how many blood tests had been ordered over the years, and the count was around 3000. That was six years ago. They always take it from the same vein too. I suppose I shouldn't have been shocked by the comment "you have scar tissue", from the lab tech who filled those nine vials of blood last time. I guess they are going to have to dig a little deeper and find some "fresh meat" next time.
Can I just say something? I am fighting the urge to hit the closest, biggest department store right now. That's right...two doctor's appointments today and neither of them were good. I think I'll save the news for another day when I am feeling brave. Besides...I can't give all my secrets away in one shot.
And...I have some shopping to do.

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