Thursday, April 14, 2011

Socks and heels?

Have you ever been trapped in a parkade??? This is one of those things that should never happen when on your way to see the Diabetes specialist to find out your A1C (Short answer: average blood sugars over a 3 month period). I knew it probably wasn't going to be great, and this particular doctor frowned at me more than smiled at all my follow-up appointments.
I parked in the last row on the third floor, squeezing between a red Chevy 1/2 ton truck and a green Volvo. I remember this detail because it felt like I had just entered into a Christmas painting, and it was June.
Sitting in the waiting room I began to look around as I usually do (Discreetly of course. I could've been a spy) when I spotted it: an elderly woman wearing canary yellow socks in her white strappy comfort sandals.
Now...I should clarify something here. You can actually wear socks in strappy wedge heels these days. It's "in" right now. Just flip through the latest volume of Vogue. must also be model-thin and wearing an ultra-cool outfit to match. This situation we had going on? Well...not so much. It was more "keep you guessing" rather than "Guess"-ing, if you know what I mean.
So after my (not-so-great) appointment, I headed back to the parkade. Sure enough, as I pulled out of "Christmas" and headed for the exit, I saw a huge boat of a car "parked" in the exit lane, blocking all traffic. My fear of being trapped began choking me, and I tried not to panic. My heart pounding, I heard sirens in the background and wondered if they were for me. Then I reasoned that I would just have to back my way out. Turning around all I saw was a huge long row of cars behind me, also trying to exit, but not able to see why I wasn't moving. The whole line of us ended up having to inch our way out backwards, which took a seemingly endless amount of time.
Fuming, I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel (literally),  and I suddenly realized:
Who would be driving a Cadillac and be so silly as to park in the exit lane? An elderly woman in canary yellow socks perhaps?

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