Thursday, April 21, 2011

Splurging and Purging

I promise not to talk about throwing up. Not today at least...
We have a rule in our house. It goes something like this...Before going on a major shopping trip of any sort, I must go through my closet and purge. I suppose that's fair. Actually, now that I have accepted the rule as one that simply won't go away, I have found it kind of useful. First off, my closet looks a lot emptier after this little exercise, thereby relieving a teensy bit of guilt as I put my new purchases on the shelf. Secondly, I can actually see what I already have and what I "need". It is amazing to me how I can "lose" clothes in my tiny (well, not that tiny I guess) closet and forget I even had them.
Yes, soon it will be time to clean my closet. I am going to the Mall of America! The trip isn't until September but still...
I've known about the trip for a year now and have been saving my moolah ever since. (And often doing a poor job of it, I might add.) Not only will I get to shop my little heart out, but I get to spend a weekend with great friends. (Thankfully I like them a lot cuz it's a LONG trip!) Of course, I will be on a strict budget so no spending "spree" for me. Just what money I've diligently put away and can spend guilt free.
But back to my closet. Whenever I sort through the past season or past size (that I've under grown...yay!), I always give them to a good cause. And I would encourage you to do the same. One of my favorites is, of course, the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA). They collect clothing and goods in order to sell for a small profit to further research and resources for those dealing with diabetes.
I have also supported my local shelters who service the poor. Regardless of what cause you might choose, please just think about it.
So go But shop responsibly.
 And remember...sometimes, finding that "new" shirt that you forgot you had in the back reaches of the top shelf can be the best kind of shopping. Exciting and free!!

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