Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Madness! Yay!!

It's a new special day today! Yes, even here now in the Great White North of Canada we are celebrating Black Friday! Which means SALES SALES SALES!
I got to wondering...where did this negative term come from on such a delightful non-holiday holiday? My research shows that the term was coined by the Philadelphia Police Department in 1966 due to the highest traffic day of the year. Apparently this is a bad day to be a cop in Philadelphia!
But a great day to be a shopper!
I am trying to talk my husband into taking me to the mall tonight but I have just one dilemma with that.
He is notorious for seeing a good deal on something he wants and buying it for himself...after having asked for that very item for Christmas. Of course, being the good wife that I am, I will have already either purchased the item or arranged for another loved one to buy it as the perfect gift.
Every year.
So you know that if I convince him to take me shopping on this crazy busy and exciting sale day, he will most certainly buy himself at least one of the beautifully wrapped gifts I already have under my tree. Danger danger. What's a girl to do?
I think I'll risk it. I may have to do some fancy fast talk as we pass the sports store but maybe I can distract him with my beauty. Show him some leg or something.
Yeah. I feel in the mood to be out and about in the hustle and bustle. I'm sure it's pure madness out there! (My sister is probably thinking I have lost my mind right now as she tends to avoid these types of "events" . But really sis? I lost my mind a looooong time ago. ;)
So I guess I'll go take my platinum locks upstairs and blow dry and style them into a fabulous distraction. (Just in case my leg doesn't work ;)
Happy Black Friday everyone! (What an oxymoron!)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)