Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shout-Out to New Friends!

I "met" a new friend today. Already I feel honored to know her even just a little. She too, deals with diabetes and other health issues. As excited as I am to get to know her via email, it saddens me to know of even just one more person with diabetes.
It reminds me of how many people are spinning inside this epidemic. And with Type 1, there is no way out.
I am inspired by my fellow-sufferers, for their bravery and endurance when it comes to this day-in and day-out disease.
I am also reminded that it could be worse. I was thinking about my own situation while responding to my new friend, and I realized I still have sight, I still have circulating blood, (albeit a warped and sweet variety. Unlike when talking about my personality, that's not a good adjective. Wait. I think I just called myself warped. No comments from my family please!) I have breath and am surrounded by people who love me. What more could a girl ask for? (Other than hair extensions or a new pair of shoes of course. ;)
But seriously...Yes I have health issues. Yes I have stress. But intertwined in all of that is a gratitude that I never want to let go of. Or forget about. Yes. Today was a good reminder.
So with that, here is a shout-out to my new friend. Keep fighting and keep smiling! I've got your back.
P.S. If anyone else would like to chat, ask questions or just vent about life, you can click on my picture above and it will guide you to my website. You can contact me there and I will gladly enter into dialogue with you. (Unless you are a stalker and if so, please give me a heads up ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)