Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just Act Natural?

Oh, my good friend Zoey.
"Zoey" has a glitch in her brain. Now before you go judging me for judging her, just read on for a moment. (By the way, this post is totally random and has nothing to do with fashion or diabetes. This is where the "Other Fun Stuff" comes in ;)
Here's a little background:
She works in a coffee shop and makes delicious vanilla lattes. No problem there right? She is very friendly and when she smiles, or better yet giggles, whomever witnesses it cannot help but mirror the sentiment. Still no problem right?
Now we'll get to the glitch. A British man with a British accent went into the coffee shop to order one of those warm, love-filled lattes and Zoey politely responded to him in her British accent. Only Zoey is not British. Zoey is an English speaking Caucasian, yes, but is very much Canadian. In the non-British sense. (Speaking of being a mirror...)
After discussing this most amusing happening with the star of the show, Zoey herself, I learned that this is not the first time this phenomenon has taken place. Apparently, whenever someone speaks to her in an accent - any accent - she automatically responds likewise. Then, she has a decision to make - does she carry on, hoping to appear natural and of the same descent but probably looking like a fool? (I'm thinking Chinese or Latino might be a bit of a challenge for her, with her naturally blonde hair cascading down her shoulders as she bats her blue eyes. ;) Or does she switch back to her regular inflection, making her mistake painfully obvious - and look like a fool. Hmm...Tough call, tough call.
I can only hope I witness this one day. That girl brings more smiles to my life than she could ever know. If laughter is the best medicine, then she is the remedy to my stressed out heart.
Oh Zoey...what would I do without you!?! :)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)