Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Oh Susie. Once again I find myself saying that phrase.
I went to my local wholesale warehouse today to do some Christmas shopping and pick up some much needed grocery items. Nothing too out of the ordinary there, right?
Except that while I was shopping, my blood sugar dropped ridiculously low and my glucose tablet reserves were dangerously absent since I had already experienced this very thing earlier today. So there I am - just me, my crazy diabetes and a quarter of the city's population with the same goals I had in the first place.
I'll be honest. No judgement please. Not thinking rationally (that'll happen when low), I went straight to the cookie aisle and purchased a plastic bucket of shortbreads. Without pride I proceeded to rip open the container and began scarfing down cookies to "save" myself. As I was pushing my cart, swallowing without tasting or chewing, all the while eating whatever food samples were being offered along my path, my cell phone rang and (again not thinking rationally) I answered it.
Let me paint the full picture for you.
I was in a stylin' outfit wearing stylin' boots with my stylin' hair. Good so far right? But that stylin' hair was stuck to the side of my face as the sweat poured down causing my makeup to run and did I mention half a cookie hanging out of my mouth with the other half in crumbs sitting oh-so-elegantly on the front of my chest? (Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence.) Can we say hubba-hubba?! ;)
As I talked to my friend and feeling very close to passing out, I got in line at the pharmacy area (perhaps where I should've gone in the first place?) and purchased some glucose tablets, which I choked down in a matter of seconds before I had even paid for them. I don't think the pharmacy tech appreciated my sweat soaked moolah as I handed it to him with shaky hands. But I figure he would have appreciated it even less if I had actually gone unconscious and caused the need for 911.
You can see where I am going with this right?
You know what happens after a sugar load like this?!? A very exhausting HIGH blood sugar a few hours later. Not to mention the stomach ache from __ shortbread cookies. (What? You didn't think I was going to admit to you how many I actually ate, did you?)
So, now I have loaded up on insulin, possibly causing this mad cycle to continue endlessly. (Although I left the unused portion of cookies in the car so I couldn't dip into it again. Can you imagine the stomach ache?!?)
So, please keep this between us. (That's code for "please please don't tell my husband.")
I have regained my rationality? Rationalism? Rationalize-ability? What I am trying to say is, I am now thinking more clearly and I've learned from my rookie mistake. No need to lecture.
So now...anyone want a cookie?

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)