Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dress to Impress?

When you dress to impress...are you trying to impress those you know or those you don't? That is the question of the day.
Now, I know some of you are thinking...that's the wrong question. The question should be..."Do you dress to impress?" or "Should you dress to impress? Those are valid questions, but they are not for today. Today's question is about when and not if. If you never dress to impress, then you can feel free to stop reading at any time. But honestly, I don't believe you.
So, back to the question. When you are trying to impress others with your stunning beauty and exquisite style, would you rather turn the heads of those who you've never met and will probably never see again, with the intent of making a fabulous first (and last?) impression? Does the thought of knowing whether they are impressed or appalled intrigue you? Or, do you dress in a certain fashion to catch the eye of those who know you and already have seen your stylin' ways, trying to keep up your reputation of being trendy and hip? Even though these liked ones (or perhaps enemies?) would probably forgive and forget a day of yoga pants and tennis shoes here and there? (Well, perhaps not the enemies. ;)
Sometimes, if I'm being honest, I do my blood sugar more often just to impress my Doc. Instead of using that meter as a tool to gather information to better manage my diabetes, I do the poke (using a lancet and not Facebook in case you were confused ;) because I know if my record book is not flowing with numeric values and notes, the wrath of my very gentle, soft-spoken Endo will  come upon me. Silly, I know. Why wouldn't I want to know the numbers for myself? Why wouldn't my goal be to get the best numbers possible for. my. self?
For sure that is my goal, but I think because I've been burned by that little monster of a glucose meter too many times, with it spitting out nasty unacceptable numbers, I am a little lancet-shy. Still, it feels so good when they are good.
So maybe I'll start taking more risks and do my blood sugar even when I can tell it's not perfect, using an appropriate amount of insulin as a weapon against it for the next poke. (Again... not Facebook.)
And I'm sure I will still have days when I want to impress the masses with awesome fashion ensembles, whether they be friendly faces or strangers, but will continue to also dress for me. In what feels good to me.
Whether it comes to doing my blood sugars more often to impress my Doc or for myself, or dressing to impress others or to impress me, I have a feeling about this one...
In both categories, they are probably one and the same. ;)

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