Monday, November 14, 2011

Don't Let Diabetes Win!!!

Today is a very special occasion. Ironically, my body is choosing to revolt but I won't let it get the best of me. No. This day cannot go unnoticed.
It is World Diabetes Day.
Of course this brings a multitude of emotion which swirls inside my heart. What does one do on a day like this? Do I ponder and reflect on my 28 years of tangling with this beast? Do I get angry at the stats of how many people our touched (burnt?) by this disease? Do I celebrate?
And here's a question...What do I wear? ;)
I figure my workout clothes are appropriate while I try to convince my body that even though it feels like it's in the crapper, my treadmill is still probably the best option. This fight I find myself in is a good representation of the day to day battle of living with diabetes.
But more important than getting stuck in those questions I asked a little earlier is this:
There is HOPE!
Diabetes does not have to win. At least some control can be gained by giving it your best shot in this shooting match.
And as tired as I get, I will choose to continue to enjoy life and laugh. I want to laugh a lot.
So each time I poke my finger with a lancet to draw blood, I will be thankful for the life that blood still gives me as it nourishes my body. Each time I change my pump site, I will be thankful for the technology available to us to better fight this thing. Each time I lace up my runners to get on that blasted treadmill, I will be thankful I still have all my toes to slide into them. Each time my blood sugar goes low, I will be thankful I have food in my cupboards which will treat that low and bring me back to life. Each time I choose a salad over pasta (Mmmm, I love pasta) I will be thankful for the power of choice that I have, of what I put into my mouth.
Each time I hug my husband, I will be thankful for the love and support he and so many others offer so readily every day.
So, if you have diabetes, congratulate yourself on making it this far and keep going for the Gold. Never give up. We're a team. Let's do it together.
And if you know or love someone with diabetes, please take a moment to recognize the fight they are in and encourage them. We need you more than you know.
So will I reflect, get angry or celebrate? Probably all three.
But on this very special day - World Diabetes Day - I will choose to be thankful.
Now onto that blasted treadmill...;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)