Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bikini Confidence

Whitney Port, originally the star from the reality show (Wait...I think they need to come up with a new term for those shows. Something like "outrageously scripted not even close to real" fake reality shows) "The Hills", and who then went on to "The City", made what I find as a fascinating quote in a beauty magazine. She said "I feel most confident while wearing a bikini and no makeup." Really? I honestly can't say that I have ever had that thought about myself. Sometimes I feel comfortable in no makeup (not usually), but confident? And in a bikini?!? Not likely.
This started my brain rolling in the direction of trying to pinpoint what does make me feel most confident. I'm not sure I can narrow it down to just one thing, but a few ideas come to mind. I feel confident when I hear my heels clicking on the pavement in a parking lot (comfortable heels, not the pinchy rubby kind). I feel confident when someone who's fashion sense I highly admire compliments me on how I look that day. (The number one opinion I value is my husband's. He has amazing fashion sense when it comes to women's clothing, makeup and hair.) I feel confident when I step on the scale and discover I just lost another couple of pounds.
I also feel confident when my blood sugar is stable. And I feel the most confident when my eye doctor tells me that my eye disease has not progressed, or when my diabetes specialist tells me to keep up the hard work, that I am doing a good job.  I feel confident when I feel healthy.
Some people have said that without your health you have nothing. I don't totally buy into that, because as a sometimes non-healthy person, I still feel that my life is full, with my passions, my friends, my family and especially my husband. But I "get" what they are saying. When you are or at least feel healthy, be it in mind, body or spirit, it does instill an extra level of confidence and personal power.
So a bikini and an au-naturale face? I don't think so. But I can always try.
Because in the end, it's not about what you wear...
True confidence comes from within.

1 comment:

What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)