Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh Susie. Really?!?

I can't believe I am about to say what I am about to say. You will have every reason to judge and I won't hold it against you. Sometimes I shock myself.
I was sitting at the lab getting blood work done yesterday and had just climbed down the stairs to the basement. My one hip and leg are still bothering me since surgery, so I was feeling sore and tired when I got to the bottom. (Perhaps, Susie, use the elevator next time?!?) Anyway, that's is not the shocking part.
Here's where I get embarrassed.
As I was sitting there waiting, a woman came out of the elevator and around the corner in a motorized wheelchair. Right away, without missing a beat, my brain said to itself..."Wow. That must be nice to have a chair to sit in everywhere you are." I then outwardly gave my head a shake with reactionary shock at what I had just thought. (The person sitting beside me probably had a few questions in their mind at that moment!) Seriously?! Like she wants to be in a wheelchair 24/7?!? I don't know if it was my eternal optimism talking (As if! Maybe if I actually owned some of that stuff...) or just the fact I was feeling sore at that moment, but either way, it was a ridiculous thought. She was a very happy, positive lady who made a joke about being a bad driver, but still...I wonder what she would give up to walk again.
It was one of those "Bing!" moments (I am so sick of the Oprah "aha moment" phrase. Puke.) that made me realize how much I take for granted. Whether it be the clothes bursting out of my closet, my ability to shop the mall whenever I want or even more...the ability to walk the mall whenever I want, I have a lot to be thankful for.
And sure, I love checking out the latest fashion magazine and figuring out whether I can "pull off" the new style line with my body shape, but that's just a hobby. What's really important is the health that I do have, my relationship with my husband, family and friends, and how I love and treat others the way I should.
So once again I am humiliated and humbled by my own selfish self. But I'm glad we had this talk. Because I feel like maybe every time I remind myself of my said priorities, I will be one step closer to meeting them.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)