Friday, May 13, 2011

Me? Be Tempted?

Friday the 13th. Hmmm...I'm not superstitious but...
So I had to go to another doctor's appointment today. I hobbled my way through the largest hospital in the city. (Just in case you were wondering, I wore flats ;) Hopefully the results of this appointment will be worth it.
My husband went with me, and since he took the day off, it was the perfect (really?) time to go tent shopping. Yes, you read correctly. Tent shopping. This landed us in a sporting goods store. And guess what?! I found an awesome pair of shoes! For real! They were practical, comfortable and stylish too! And they were $80. Ergo I didn't buy them. :( I think I will be fixated on them for awhile. Probably until I give in to the temptation ;) My husband might have said something to the effect of "So you can barely get in and out of a car but you can still try on shoes." Yes. Yes I can.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking "Shopaholic!" I rather would choose the title "Fashionista!" And remember...I did walk away. (Okay, so my husband had to drag me away, but still...)
Alright. I admit it. Whether we are talking about food choices or shopping...will power is not my strong suit. There are many times that I fail. But I am learning the tricks of the trade. Keep garbage food (i.e. high carb, high fat) out of my house so I can't be tempted. Outta site, outta mouth. And I think I could probably apply this concept to another area in my life.
When you have no money for shoes...don't go shopping for tents! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for resisting?? But did you buy a tent? Was wondering? How are you feeling?


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)